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Prophet Kyle M. Taylor Has a Desire: To Reestablish the 5 Fold Ministerial Gifts Into
the Local Ecclesia.
Though a native son of the "Red Carpet City" of Rocky Mount, North Carolina,
Prophet Taylor received all of his 5-fold training under the Spirit of Truth Apostolic and Prophetic Deliverance Ministries (Chief Apostle Vivian Benjamin, D.D) in the "Port City" of Wilmington, North Carolina. Prophet Taylor's ministry flavor and tempo are unmistakably Pentecostal, however the Prophet will quickly point out that Pentecostal is a movement, NOT a denomination, let us move beyond, let us move on to greater {Hebrews 6:1}.
As one of God's forerunners of the end time "Teaching Prophet", Prophet Taylor's commission {in 2009} brought him to Northern New England and established him at the "Northeast Gate" of the United Stated as the leader of Transform Ministries Incorporated headquartered in the former mill town of Biddeford, Maine.
Known for his encouraging gift of prophecy, ministry of healing and deliverance, dynamic Apostolic revelation, 5 fold teaching ability, and his undying love for the people to whom he was sent, Prophet Taylor is undoubtedly becoming a voice in this hour for those who do not have a voice, having operated in every 5 fold ascension office, save the Apostle.
Prophet Taylor {along with his Spiritual dossier} has also excelled in public academia at the university level having studied Eastern World Religions, Old Testament in Survey, Business Psychology, Business Law and Public Relations of which he has an earned Bachelor of Science Degree in the year 2015 .
Prophet Taylor is the husband of Tandra Michelle Taylor who co-labors with the Prophet utilizing her excelled gifts of council and discernment to become an invaluable asset to both Transform and the body of Christ in the Biddeford area. Together they have 9 children which span from Maine to Kentucky to the Prophet's home state of North Carolina.
Lastly, Prophet Taylor and Transform Ministries Incorporated are under the leadership and mentoring of Apostolic General, Apostle Bernard McCain Sr. of C.O.P.E. Ministries, Atlantic City, New Jersey and have their Pastoral, Apostolic and Prophetic validation through Inner Growth Ministries Outreach Incorporated {I.G.M.O.} under their other dynamic Apostolic Father,
Donald Wayne Clapp, both who have continually provided spiritual covering, wisdom and council for our young lieutenant since 2009.
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